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One2many Batch Delete

One2mamy batch tools, used to batch delete any one2many items.

A batch deletion tool for One2many list items, used to quickly delete One2many list items in forms

Odoo's native one2many list items do not have a selection box, and a delete button is displayed after each list item. The delete operation can only be performed on a single record.

The One2many list item batch deletion tool migrates the batch deletion function from the native list to the One2many sub list.

Display a checkbox on each row of the One2many sub list, and click the batch delete button to delete multiple selected list rows at once.

Most native One2many lists have custom widgets to control the business logic of the sub lists. We configured batch_delete as an option for the one2many field to avoid conflicts with native functionality when creating widgets.







The module for odoo18 version is ready!


Batch delete one2many items for any one2many fields


Batch delete one2many list items in purchase order form. 在采购订单表单中,批量删除订单明细行
By configuring batch_delete options for the one2many field, a universal one2many list batch delete can be achieved 通过为one2many字段配置batch_delete为True选项,实现通用的one2many列表批量删除.
General questions and answers

No! Since the Odoo front-end has major changes in each version, all front-end modules do not support cross-version use.

According to Odoo's official policy, starting from version 13, each new version of the module needs to be purchased separately, if you need to upgrade the Odoo version, you need to repurchase our corresponding version of the module .

Yes, the module works well with Odoo Enterprise as well as Community. .

Yes, You can contact us through any way listed in the first part of the module description,such as email, skeype.

One2many Batch Delete

One2mamy batch tools, used to batch delete any one2many items.

A batch deletion tool for One2many list items, used to quickly delete One2many list items in forms

Odoo's native one2many list items do not have a selection box, and a delete button is displayed after each list item. The delete operation can only be performed on a single record.

The One2many list item batch deletion tool migrates the batch deletion function from the native list to the One2many sub list.

Display a checkbox on each row of the One2many sub list, and click the batch delete button to delete multiple selected list rows at once.

Most native One2many lists have custom widgets to control the business logic of the sub lists. We configured batch_delete as an option for the one2many field to avoid conflicts with native functionality when creating widgets.







The module for odoo18 version is ready!


Batch delete one2many items for any one2many fields


Batch delete one2many list items in purchase order form. 在采购订单表单中,批量删除订单明细行
By configuring batch_delete options for the one2many field, a universal one2many list batch delete can be achieved 通过为one2many字段配置batch_delete为True选项,实现通用的one2many列表批量删除.
General questions and answers

No! Since the Odoo front-end has major changes in each version, all front-end modules do not support cross-version use.

According to Odoo's official policy, starting from version 13, each new version of the module needs to be purchased separately, if you need to upgrade the Odoo version, you need to repurchase our corresponding version of the module .

Yes, the module works well with Odoo Enterprise as well as Community. .

Yes, You can contact us through any way listed in the first part of the module description,such as email, skeype.

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