Dmmsys 124358678@qq.comOne2many Multi Creat
An independent treegrid widget, used to display the business object data in treegrid structure which have parent id.
In the native function of Odoo, the business document detail lines are all one2many sublists, and the columns indicate that the detail lines and products are many2one relationships, so by default, only one line of detail can be added at a time.
In wholesale business scenarios, it is necessary to select purchased products in batches based on product classification, so order lines need to be added in batches based on product classification.
This module is to add order quantity columns and product multiple selection functions in the opened product search dialog box to achieve batch addition of order detail lines.
Although in the next version of ODOO, the sales order will add the function of quickly adding order lines by category, that function is to open the product's dashboard page, and this function is only for sales orders and not a universal solution.
Our module enables quick addition of all one2many list rows through simple configuration of options in the view.
The module for odoo16 version is ready!
Multi add items for any many2one fields
是的,该模块与Odoo Enterprise和Community都能很好地配合使用。 .
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One2many Multi Creat
An independent treegrid widget, used to display the business object data in treegrid structure which have parent id.
In the native function of Odoo, the business document detail lines are all one2many sublists, and the columns indicate that the detail lines and products are many2one relationships, so by default, only one line of detail can be added at a time.
In wholesale business scenarios, it is necessary to select purchased products in batches based on product classification, so order lines need to be added in batches based on product classification.
This module is to add order quantity columns and product multiple selection functions in the opened product search dialog box to achieve batch addition of order detail lines.
Although in the next version of ODOO, the sales order will add the function of quickly adding order lines by category, that function is to open the product's dashboard page, and this function is only for sales orders and not a universal solution.
Our module enables quick addition of all one2many list rows through simple configuration of options in the view.
The module for odoo18 version is ready!
Multi add items for any many2one fields
No! Since the Odoo front-end has major changes in each version, all front-end modules do not support cross-version use.
According to Odoo's official policy, starting from version 13, each new version of the module needs to be purchased separately, if you need to upgrade the Odoo version, you need to repurchase our corresponding version of the module .
Yes, the module works well with Odoo Enterprise as well as Community. .
Yes, You can contact us through any way listed in the first part of the module description,such as email, skeype.